The Client
Name: Laura
Type of Coaching: Career coaching (six month programme)
The Challenge:
Laura was feeling unfulfilled in her role and despite some historical confidence issues, she recognised that she had skills and strengths within her that she wasn’t using. She wanted to push forwards in her career whilst at the same time create realistic boundaries with her home life. Her work-life balance was tipping heavily towards the ‘work’ side and she wanted more time to spend with her two small children. Laura wasn’t sure what her next step would be but knew coaching could be a really helpful tool to find the answers.
The Coaching:
- The safe and dedicated time provided by the coaching space helped Laura process her emotions and get perspective on her situation.
- Values and purpose work helped Laura to reflect on what was most important to her at this time of her life with a young family.
- A strengths profile identified her strengths and potential.
- Career coaching and mentoring helped Laura identify ways she could utilise her network to secure a new role that played to her strengths and had future prospects.
- Powerful questions helped Laura identify her early warning signs of stress and helped her create her own strategies to manage.
The Outcome
Career coaching helped Laura to:
Achieve greater balance in her personal life
Laura is now six months into a new role with a different company. She has more responsibility and also more balance. The coaching helped her approach the role with a different mindset, believing in herself and her abilities, and also with some practical tools to help her manage her time and delegate tasks. When the balance does start to skew too much in the ‘work’ direction, Laura knows what she needs to do to regain that balance.
Regain her confidence
Feeling recognised and knowing her contribution matters has helped Laura feel more confident in herself and her abilities. Her new organisation is the right culture fit for her
Communicate differently
Reflecting on different perspectives to understand situations from others’ points of view has changed the conversations Laura is having with those around her. She is more able to enrol people into her vision for the organisation and create engagement with the people she works with.
The Feedback
“In my first session with Denise, I was so low that I spent the first hour crying. But by the end of the session I came away with a sense of positivity and purpose because I knew I was on a path of change.
“My coaching experience was amazing. Denise has really helped me to make sense of my thoughts and approach things in a logical, rational way. It’s been very comforting to know that I can have an hour with her each month to stop, reflect and reset. It’s had such a positive impact on my outlook and I feel that I’ve been able to take control of my own career, rather than being taken along with the flow.
“The biggest benefit has been regaining my work-life balance. Sometimes the scales tip but I really appreciate having the tools and understanding what I need to say to be able to retrieve the balance again.”